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Rabbi, Thank you so much for opening up your home and your Shule to us. You are very inspiring and hope you have the chance to touch many lives. Thank you!
-Ester and Boris Kuritnik

Dear Henya, Thank you so much for all the hard work, energy and time that you put into this amazing daycare. This is clearly a labor of love for you and all who work with you.
It fills me with joy, appreciation and confidence to know that Alana is so loved and nurtured every day. It is only because you all are so amazing with her that I can pay it forward and be the kind of teacher I need to be with my students.
You have created a truly special space and one we are most blessd to have our children in.
We wish you all the best this Chanukah. We hope you enjoy this small token of our appreciation to the toddler room. This is one of Corey's favorite toys that Bethany gave to him for his last birthday. I hope the kids at daycare love it too.

Sincerely, Adam, Liz, Corey and Alana (aka Ladybug)

Dear Henya and Rabbi Federman, Thank you for including Mia and Ethan in your lovely summer camp. They both enjoyed being with your children and the teachers. It was very nice to see Ethan being able to separate with ease and we are sure that it is because of the warm and gentle environment that you've created. Mia and Ethan  have been bringing home a lot of wonderful projects and share a lot of what they've been learning at camp.
We also wanted to thank you again for the lovely Shabbat dinner. Your home was filled with such beauty and light. We are very happy to have been included in the S Thomas Jewish community.

With kind regards, Natalie and Nir Ronen

Dear Henya and Asher, I have been wanting to write a thank you for the beautiful and delicious challah you baked for us, and woke up this mornin - Rosh Chodesh Adar - and thought of how much joy they brought to us when it felt challenging to have Shabbat so far from our community here in Stamford.
I'm sorry we weren't able to meet you. We had such a wonderful vacation, B"H we will return and meet you next time.
We wish you much success with the amazing work you are doing.

Kol Tuv, Sara, Matt, Ariel, Noam and Yoni Jamison Semel

Dear Rabbi Federman, I want you to know how much my wife and I enjoyed sharing Shabbat with you and your family. It was a delightful evening, full of ruach. The food was fabulous, the service was very meaningful, and the conversation was delightful. Your wife is a lovely lady and a wonderful cook. Thanks again for myself and my wife. Your home is indeed a jewel in the Caribbean.
Sincerely, Richard Price

Dear Henya, Thank you very much for the wonderful Challahs. They were delicious and our children and granddaughter thoroughly enjoyed every last bite.
Happy Purim! Glad we could join you and your family.

-Laurie and George Jesner

Dear Rabbi Asher and Henya, We wanted to thank you for having us at your house for Shabbos. You really helped us have a truly wonderful vacation. It was really enjoyable spending the Shabbos meals and davening with you. Also, seeing you bring Judaism to S Thomas was really inspirational. Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you during our next visit (whenever that may be)!
We wanted to make a small donation to help you carry out the wonderful work you do in serving Hashem.

All the best, Sherri and Josh Duitz

Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin Federman, We had such a wonderful time in your home on Shabbos. Thank you for taking such good care of ALL of us with delicious food, toys, and Torah! Shana Tovah and all the best!
Josh, Julie and the boys Caleb, Adrian and Asher Rosenfeld

Dear R' Asher & Henya, Thank you so much for a beautiful shabbos in S. Thomas. You really enhanced our trip. We wish you much Hatzlacha and we hope to see you again!
Love, Pinchas & Shani Moskowitz Far Rockaway, NY

Dear Rabbi Federman,
Thank you for your hospitality to our children during the holidays and Shabbat. I rested easier knowing they were well taken care of in your home. Shana Tova!
M. K. Providence, RI

In going through our pile
of things to do, we found that we never properly thanked you for allowing us to enjoy S. Thomas when we visited for the Pomerantz-Mirvish wedding last December. Your hospitality and assistance allowed us to find kosher food while on your beautiful island so we could enjoy the simcha, and we very much ejoyed spending shabbos with you. May Hashem bless you for all the Mitzvot that you do and for being available to all of the people who you reach out to.
Jay & Michelle Mendelsohn

Just a note to let you know how much we appreciated and enjoyed the Shabbat dinner that we attended two nights ago. Of course the food was outstanding but more than that was the friendship that we encountered and being able to interact with your loving children will long be remembered as a highlight. We hope to see you during our next visit to the island in January.
B & R

Thank you for the wonderful Shabbat Dinners. We truly enjoyed the evenings. Stacy especially enjoyed the children. We look forward to seeing you next year, please G‑d. Let us know when the baby is born.
Dvorah Shulman

Thank you so much for the wonderful experience we all enjoyed in St. Thomas Watching our sons, Dani, Alon and David putting on Tefillin was so special to us and we thank you for all you do
Adina and Clive, Atlanta, GA

Eytan and I want to thank you so much for a lovely dinner last weekend. It was so nice to experience Shabbat in the Virgin Islands, and at your home. We really appreciate your hospitality-you represent Chabad well! Were both excited about the center and wish you lots of success in building it- we cant wait to come back in a few years and see how much Chabad of the Virgin Islands has grown! Enclosed is a donation we’d like to make- thanks again!
Ilona Sausen and Eytan Seidman, New York, NY

I express my sincere appreciation to you for organizing the minyanim so that my son-in-law, Yehuda, could say Kaddish on the occasion of the yartzeit on yud daled teves of my beloved father Yitzchak ben elimelech, isak fellenbaum
Mrs. Vera P, New York, NY

Thank you again for all your kind hospitality during my visit to St Thomas. I wish you continued success in all your endeavors. I enjoyed learning with you…
David S, Lakeland, MI | 1.18.2009

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Linda Meiberg. I am a dual Israeli/American citizen. Having finished my B.A. and M.A. at Tel Aviv University in Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures, I came to Philadelphia to do my PhD in the Art and Archaeology of the Mediterranean World. Last year I spent the year abroad doing research for my dissertation, back in Israel for six months and also in Athens for six months. During my stay in Athens I enjoyed several shabbatot with Mendy and Nechama Hendel and feel a very strong connection with both of them. I also had the opportunity of spending a shabbat in Istanbul with Rabbi Chitrik as well as in Larnaca. Although back home in Philadelphia we are minimally involved with Chabad (we sometimes attend services with Gedalia Lowenstein and have been over his and Shevy's house for dinner) I realize and appreciate the importance of Chabad throughout the world for all Jews and particularly for myself because I travel so much. After the events in Mumbai this weekend, I intend to make an effort to visit and morally support the local Chabad center in every destination worldwide that I find myself. My next trip will be to the Island of Tortola. Four of us will be traveling through St. Thomas on January 15-16 on our way to Tortola. Although we will not be in St. Thomas over a shabbat, I would like to know if there are any activities or meals we could partake in….in show of support of all the good you do around the world.
I look forward to hearing from you,

Linda G. M, Philadelphia, PA




Dear Rabbi Federman, Thank you for a beautiful Shabbat. It is truly amazing to find an oasis of Yiddishkeit in the middle of the desert. May you and Henya have much Hatzlocha in your efforts to continue growing the Jewish community in S Thomas.
-Binah and Danny Englander

Happy New Year
from Natalie, Nir, Mia and Ethan

Dear Rabbi Asher and Henya, I doubt you remember us but a few years ago we just stopped by to say hello en route from S John to the airport (and to drop off Cholov Yisroel Cheeses!)
We are SO excited to see that you are reaching out to S John for the 8th night! This is really great.
We hope to visit soon ,
Yasher Koach!!

-Scott, Marci, Andrew, Todd and Rachel Spiro
PS We are near Monsey if you need supplies, it would be our pleasure!

Dear Rebbetzin Henya, Thank you for taking our dear son Jacob under your wing and giving him the opportunity to grow and prosper as a contributor to Klal Yisroel here in the Virgin Islands.
You are the "pearl" of your shul!

Warmest regards, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Abramson

Dear Rabbi Federman, I really enjoyed the Simchas Torah experience at Chabad. The check is for... + $1 for a letter in the Torah. As the father of two daughters, my letter should be in the Tzelafchad Daughters story in Parshas Pinchas.
Lehitraot, Bob Stone

Asher, Thank you for a wonderful Pesach seder. I know Judy and Mr. Jeffers enjoyed the evening. I told Henya how impressed I was with your daughter that night.

Dear Rabbi Federman, Just a quick -albeit late- note to thank you again for your kindness and thoughtfulness in making our Shabbat on S John so special.
We thank Hashem every day for Shluchim like you and our beloved Rabbi Chaim and Chavie. Baruch Hashem!

-Mick and Holly Lifson

Dear Rabbi and Mrs. Federman, Thank you for your hospitality at the Chabad Center (on Main Street) when we visited S Thomas during our Kosherica cruise at the end of January.
I'm sure you don't remember since so many people pass through your welcoming center, but I was the one who sent special regards to Mrs. Federman because I know how much Mesiras Nefesh it takes on the part of the wife to be able to do your Avodas HaKoidesh.

Wishing you much Hatzlacha, Michael and Sharon Kronenberg

Thank you for allowing me to decide "School starts after 9 officially, I have till 9:10." You got rid of a whole lot of guilty feelings!
Thank you for being so generous with school supplies and anything I need, personally, for the apartment.
Thank you for respecting my "off work" hours.
For all those things, and a coupla more ;), I can't thank you enough!
But, what I'm truly the most grateful for, is your trust in me. Placing your children into my care, children you devote your lives towards, children you hold so precious, these children you entrust with me day after day. You have incredibly high standards and I'm constantly humbled at the thought. Humbled and appreciative and ambitious. May Hashem forever guide me to be a fitting role model, and may all your children continue to give the Rebbe, and yourselves, heap-loads of Nachas. There is no doubt I can learn from them, just as much as they learn from me.

With gratitude and warmth, Morah Chava Java Mishulovin

Dear Rabbi Federman,
Thank you very much for blessing our company and installing Mezuzahs on all our doors. Also, thanks for always thinking of Abe and I at Purim and Passover!
-Wendy and Abe
PS Also for taking care and making our Jewish employees feel so welcome in STT by the leader of their faith.

Dear Henya, I just want to say Thank You, Gracias, Todah Raba and I would say it in Yiddish too if I knew it. It has been such a blessing for EVERYBODY to have Raven in your Preschool. I feel wonderful knowing he's there-it enabled Iro to keep a full time job, Raven is completely excited every morning, and most of all, sending a picture of Raven with his little baked challah to my parents gave them more joy than could be imagined.
I feel so blessed that you and your family are a part of my family's life.
Knowing you has greatly helped heal and enlighten about my own relationship to Judaism as well.
Thank you so much for your kindness.

Love, L

Dear Rabbi Federman, I am writing to express my appreciation to you for the kindness you extended to my grandsons, E&E. You made it posibble for them to observe and enjoy the High Holidays. I am enclosing a contribution in the hope that itwill help Chabad continue its wonderful work. Thank You.
Sincerely Yours ,Laura Summers Delray Beach, FL

I want you to know how much the Spivack family appreciates your warm hospitality. You have made each of our trips to S. Thomas more meaningful and enjoyable. You bring us closer to Hashem and you help us to appreciate and learn more about our heritage. Friday night Shabbat dinners and Saturday kiddush luncheons are a personal highlight of my time in S. Thomas. Joni, kenny, Tracy, and the kids enjoy, appreciate, and benefit from Shabbat dinner. you are wonderful role models and are an example for all of us. I am enclosing a small check on behalf of me, Joni, Ken, Tracy, Jacob, Dylan, and Scout. Please use this for your continued good works. I look forward to seeing you shortly and I hope we are able to come to New York for Itche's haircutting.
Jerry Spivack

What a memorable evening! The beautiful appointed table, fresh flowers, charming children, lovely wife, & incredibly delicious food was all such a joy to be a part of. I would sing your praises if I had a trained voice, or write stanzes to your generosity if I was a poet. Since I possess neither of these virtues, but wishing to express our gratitude, a humble "thank you" is sent to you and Henya.
Please accept the enclosed donations from my husband & I. It is sent with our appreciation for being able to participate in Friday's Shabbat!
Again, many thanks,
Rudy and Kathy

The response has been overwhelming! On our flight back we meet a couple who were by you friday night and he came over to me and said “hey you are the person who spoke about bergen-belson”. He reiterated how much he enjoyed Shabbat Dinner. He hadn’t celebrated Shabbat in years. Also a family who got a menorah from us was telling us on the plane how happy they were to meet us because they left their menorah in NY and Chanukah is there daughter’s favorite holiday...Anyways all is well in cold NY. Thank you for the wonderful experience of working with you in S. Thomas.
Leima B, Sydney, Australia

I just wanted to extend a thank you to you for hosting my parents, Leo Yusim and Raisa Freydina, when they traveled to St. Thomas a few days ago. They were extremely impressed with you and your Chabad House. May G‑d grant you much success in all of your endeavors in spreading the light of Torah. Happy Hannukah!
P.S. We will contact you next year about the same time when planning our own trip to St. Thomas. Our parents were the the "spies" and their report was positive :)

David F

I was feeling so helpless, not knowing what to do to help the situation in Mumbai. Thank you for your faith and your inspiration. G‑d Bless.
Alegria, Atlanta, GA

Thank you again for the lovely dinner, service and evening last Friday. Judy and I are still talking about it. Judy met today with Rabbi Greenberg here in El Paso and gave them your note – G‑d bless you and your family.
Judy & Ron B, El Paso, TX

A couple of weeks ago I was with my husband off the cruise ship in St. Thomas and was happy to meet some young men from Chabad. We are very fond of the Chabad as my daughters have always been involved with them on the college campuses and my husband meets them at his business to put Tefillin on in NYC.
Allyson A, New York

This was a terrific evening. Asher & you showed us a different facet of Judaism. Rhona & I are looking forward to next year. Although we have been members of a Conservative Synagogue in Chevy Chase for almost fifty years and don’t agree with some of your tenants we would like you to accept this check. It is important that we Jews stick together. We are also members of the S. Thomas Synagogue. Please give best wishes to Asher.
Buddy P, St Thomas, VI and Chevy Chase, MD 


 Celebration Magazine    
Just to let you know that we received your happy healthy and sweet New Year wishes and lately the “Celebration” March issue from Chabad. It appears that we are on your list and we couldn’t be happier. Of course, we look forward to the next issue and will save all of them. Naturally, I liked the articles and plan on making “Henya’s Hamentashen” next year. I also like the photos throughout the magazine, but the “From our mailbox” section really told of the wonderful way you are reaching out to members of the tribe all over the world. Keep up your wonderful ways, stay well, and have a very joyous Passover.
Norma & Jack


Thanks for the Celebration magazine; I always enjoy and look forward to reading them. I wanted to tell you that I especially enjoyed the personal applications at the end of each of the fifteen steps of the Body and Soul partnership Seder, it made our Seder all the more meaningful. Say hi to the children from me.
David M, St. Thomas, VI

Thank you so much for including my son and I for Shavuot! We enjoyed meeting you and your family, as well as all the other wonderful people that were at the service. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming, especially your precious daughter! Please thank your husband for us as well,
Karen S, St Petersburg, FL


 Holidays in St Thomas    

I love to tell positive stories and this one definitely qualifies.My family and I were visiting St. Thomas on a cruise in December of 2005. While walking in the town square we were approached by a young boy wearing a yarmulke. He asked us if we were Jewish and I was sure he was going to ask us to put on tefellin. The boy simply and so graciously asked me if I would like to have a menorah. I took the menorah and reached for my wallet, he refused a donation, insisting I substitute it with a promise to light the Menorah every night of Chanukah. How could I refuse such a simple request? Upon returning to the boat, I put the menorah on a shelf in the closet, forgot about it and went for dinner. We are very proud that all of our children attend Jewish schools and are familiar with all the Holidays. When we sat down to eat, my 8 year old daughter asked where the menorah was. I told her that I had forgotten it in the room. She asked if she could go with one of her brothers to get it. I gave her the key and in five minutes she was back with the menorah, reciting the blessings and lighting the candles. As if by magic, several other tables had some one get up from their seats and within minutes, they returned with their menorahs, too! By the time all was said and done, there were more than 60 tables on the boat that had their menorahs alight. We were proud to be Jews on that first night of Chanukah and we all lit our menorahs each and every night. To all of you involved in that project, thank you for making that Chanukah one of the most memorable of my life.
Jeff S, Montreal, Canada

I was on vacation in S. John during Chanukah last year (dec. 2006). Chabad Lubavitch came to the Westin Resort In S. John for candle lighting and plenty of latkes. It was wonderful to see so many Jews, young and old, gather to commemorate Chanukah even while on vacation. I had not taken my menorah with me as I didn't want to travel with candles, so I was very appreciative to be able to at least light candles once during my vacation. It was lovely to have Chanukah brought to me!
Joanne R, New York

Attached is a photo taken while we visited your community during Chanukah. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to the shul and appreciate the warm hospitality!
Jodi G

As promised, here is the photo of the four of us in Charlotte Amelie, St Thomas during Hanukah.
We really enjoyed meeting you and it was great to have my husband perform the mitzvah of teffilin. Thank you also for being kind enough to rush after us and give him his watch which he had forgotten. Wishing you everything of the best - and praying for the soldiers of the IDF at this difficult time.

Adrienne and Edward K, Ascot, England

Thank you so much for including my son and I for Shavuot! We enjoyed meeting you and your family, as well as all the other wonderful people that were at the service. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming, especially your precious daughter! Please thank your husband for us as well,
Karen S, St Petersburg, FL


Thank you, once again, for making our vacation so memorable. I shared with my family the lovely evening we had, again, in concluding Pesach with you and the community. Although I wish they were there with us...I was delighted to be with you once more. I'd love to have your address on file so please send it to me, if you don't mind. If you ever come to NY, please let us know. We would love to see you again. All the best...
Cindy & Glenn L and Family, Great Neck, NY

I hope you and the family are well. First I want to wish you a good Pesach. Second I want to know if Rabbi Federman is taking care of himself by continuing to walk. I called Rabbi Goldman and told him what a good job both of you are doing in St. Thomas. I told him about the Purim party and that we had over 80 people in attendance. Rabbi Goldman asked if they were locals and I told him that most of the people who attended were local residents. I also told him that you conducted Shabbat services at your apartment. Keep in touch and let me know how things are. What is happening with the property?
Jerry, Philadelphia, PA and St Thomas, VI

We are now back 2 weeks from our cruise in the Virgin Island and it was very nice to see you on Erev Shabbes in St. Thomas, being Erev Chanukah you offered us a Chanukiah and candles. We had brought ours from London England but were very happy to see a Heimishe Yid. On our return on the ship many of our fellow travelers told us that they met you and got a chanukiah to use on the ship. I must tell you on the lighting of the first candle before Kabolath Shabbes there were more than 400 people who came to light together it was lovely to see so many people performing the Mitzvah of chanukah. On our return when we went to Shull on Shabbes last day of Chanukah Rabbi Sudack was in our Shull as our rabbi was on holiday he did the Shabbes Drosho it was his first public engagement since his operation he is doing well B"H. May we wish you Hatzlachah in all you endeavors and hope to see you soon again. Kol Tuv.
Malcolm & Nicole D, London, England

I wanted to write to you to say what a surprise and unexpected pleasure it was for me on a recent trip around the Caribbean to be spending the day of erev Chanukah walking around the beautiful streets of St Thomas and to see you and to be given a gift of a Menorah, which we used and enjoyed during Chanukah. To be approximately 5000 miles away from home (Dublin Ireland) and to meet a Chabad Rabbi giving out Menorahs on the street just proves what an important role you and your fellow Chabad Rabbonim play in making which ever communities you are in a better place for us to live. We here in Dublin are very lucky to have Rabbi Zalman Lent and his family who have brought so much to our community since they have been with us. Wishing you all the very best. Thanks again for the Menorah.
Bernard P, Dublin, Ireland

We enjoyed the Purim celebration very much. My sister and Ron were amazed that our community here is so cohesive... I will be leaving for New York on Friday the 30th and I return on the 8th. Please be in touch.
Alan F, St Thomas, VI


 Shabbat on Island



On behalf of my entire family I wanted to thank you and your most hospitable wife for the warm and gracious manner in which you received us this week. Thank you again so much for arranging all of the minyanim and bringing ruchniyos to our island vacation. The kiddush on Shabbos was most elegant and tastey as were the warm brownies.
I left some liquor and a check for you this morning.

The Kreitmans, Eddison, NJ

I just wanted to let you know what a pleasure it was to spend time with you. Thank you so much for your hospitality, good food, sharing, and warmth…
Thank you again. All the best,

Ruth M, Portland, Oregon

We just arrived home this weekend and finally I had a chance to see my mail box. Thank you very much for the great time, wise lessons and beautiful food your and your family shared with me and Veronica. I will forward Veronica the link you sent me. I've read this article and understood more the concept we discussed.
Victor S, Ashton, MD

Once again thank you for adding so much to our vacation by having us as your guests on Shabbat. We enjoyed ourselves so much! Everyone felt so comfortable… No doubt that we were “home,” Jewish people getting together celebrating “as one people.” We consider Chabad to be our extended family and look forward to hearing good news from your beautiful growing family, g-d willing. All the best,
Adam and Sarah S, Los Angeles, CA

This was a terrific evening. Asher & you showed us a different facet of Judaism. Rhona & I are looking forward to next year. Thank you

Thank you for having us for Shabbat. As we mentioned before, we had a wonderful time and hope to see you again in the future. Enclosed please find a check …towards your efforts at the Lubavitch Jewish center on S. Thomas.
Michael and Irina, Forest Hills, NY


My wife Jazmin and me we like to thank you very very much for all what you did for us. The food was delicius,he hope we can enjoy more together next time. May G‑d give you all the blessings!
Javier S, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Thank you for your kindness and warmth. You made our stay in S. Thomas all the more special! An extra special thank you to Moussia who shared her toys with us! We look forward to seeing you again soon.
Sharonne, Zvi, Anika & Asher R, Engelwood, NJ

Now that my Mom and I are back in wintry Massachusetts, I wanted to thank you for your hospitality two weeks ago and giving a Jewish touch to our stay in the Virgin Islands. This was the first time either of us had found Chabad on a vacation and I'm very glad we did… Thanks again for providing a touch of my parents home.
Yale Z, Massechusetts

I apologize for not writing to your sooner. We had a WONDERFUL time at your home for Shabbos. The food was delicious, and the company was warm and stimulating. How great to meet other Jews from all over the world at your home! And to get to know you and your lovely family. We would like to make a donation on behalf of your efforts on St. Thomas. I just want to confirm the address to mail my check: Thank you for making our time on St. Thomas richer and more satisfying than it would have been had we not met you. B'shalom,
Tammy F, Philadelphia, PA

Many, many thanks for your hospitality over Shabbos. We had a delightful and delicious time learning about your work on the island. The enclosed gift is for the Rebbetzin to buy herself something, scotch for the Rabbi to follow! All the best,
Naomi & Louis Tuchman, Long Island, NY

Ruth and I wanted to thank you both for a delightful Shabbat dinner late last winter… This winter we are at home in Massachusetts. I had a trip to China late in October and our daughter is due around February 1st with our first grand child. Perhaps we will be back in 2009.
We wish you much success in your endeavors.

Ruth and Steve



Thank you for your help and for being there for our son. We are very, very appreciative. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and high Purim May Hashem bless you with happiness and wealth. May you be Zoche to continue returning many, many souls to the source – Amen! Happy Purim!
The Tokayers, Israel

I hope you remember me. I certainly remember your kindness and our close connection while we were both visiting the Historical St. Thomas synagogue. I was on the Royal Caribbean Cruise ship giving lectures. Partly as a result of our conversation, I volunteered to lead Sabbath services on the ship. The services were quite lovely. I invited everyone to introduce themselves to their neighbors, led a few prayers and responsive readings and asked for their suggestions for prayers to sing. Fortunately, I had already prepared the prayers and know all the melodies, so I was able to lead that part of the service, too. I think everyone felt good – connected as Jews in a spiritual way. When I got home, I took a picture of myself lighting the Sabbath candles. It is attached to this Email. I hope you enjoy it. Best Wishes to you and your family,
Susan, 2.21.2009

Response to Susan, 2.23.2009
Of course I remember you! Thank you for the picture, it is beautiful. As I mentioned to you at the synagogue, I was very moved by our conversation. I’m glad to hear our encounter and exchange didn’t remain in “the world of speech” and translated into a positive experience for you and the other Jews who joined. Our offer to join us for dinner or just a visit if you come again was for real. May the coming Holiday of Purim bring you much happiness and joy and may you have much success in all of your endeavors. 
Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Asher
P.S. Before every Holiday we send out a Celebration magazine about the soulful meaning of the Holiday. If in your interest I would be glad to add to our list.

How nice to hear from you! …I also think that our mutual respect and acceptance, kindness, and sympathy are what religion should be all about. Without that, it’s just empty forms. I was impressed by the way you said that you were glad that our encounter did not remain in the world of speech. That’s what I feel – moving from words and good intentions to positive action is what’s important to me. I’d love to return to the Caribbean…hope to see you again someday.


Thank you again for Saturday, it has been a great experience spending so many Shabbat’s at your place and feeling part of the family. I will see you tomorrow at the class!
Adam B, Budapest, Hungary and St. Thomas, VI
Adam put’s Tefilin for the first time after having a Bar Mitzvah the previous Shabbos.

Thank you so much for agreeing to help us out. It's so important for Liz to feel a sense of "home" while away. We're so appreciative to Hakadosh Boruch Hu for offering her a warm sense of Yiddishkeit through special shlichim like you and your wife. Just please verify that the address we got off the internet is correct so we can send you a donation. Please address the shalach manos to Liz and sign it. PURIM SAMEACH!!
Abba, Ima, Yehoshua, Batya, Margalit, Menachem & Ruchama, Yishai, Michal Noga & little Meir David - who is 1 yr. old today - Purim!

Hello from lsrael!! I'm glad I found the opportunity to express how I'm grateful for the last 6 month that l have the ability to know you all. I have a memory from last year, when you came to Eyal & Nira's house with your lovely daughter... A lot of extreordinary wishes & ambisions you had in that night, and I was admirered your firmness! lt was amaizing to see the success and the fulfillment this year. Every Shabat, every holiday got a special significance for me and for any jew, resident or tourist that arrived to the island. Of course, I can't forget the phenomenal Passover that we celebrate together with extraordinary assortment of jewish people from all the world and from diffrent mentallisem. In hebrw you say: Chizku V’Imtzu I wish you all the best, and I know that with g-d help this is only the breakthrough for amaizing mission to keep the jewish fire!! especially in S. Thomas. Thank you for moments that keep as once in a life- the rabbi stories, the conversation, the strengthening and for every little time that we have been with you.
You are amazing people! With appreciation and love.
