
We are proud to announce that we have a twice-weekly minyan in the Jewish Welcome Center. Enjoy coffee and cake with some of your most favorite people, and start your day on the right foot. Mondays and Thursdays 7:20 am @ the center. If you can make it please email  Rabbi Asher.

Planning Ahead

If you have yahrtzeit, or someone you know needs to say Kaddish, please contact us and we'll ensure a minyan.It is always helpful to know who will be attending the Minyan (dates, times, contact info, place of lodging). 


Community members who drive to the Minyan will be glad to pick you up from your hotel or villa on the way. Let us know when you're coming and where you're staying and we can arrange a ride for you.

We pride ourselves in being able to attend to all tourists' needs. If you are visiting our island, be sure to call and let us know. Our minyan is primarily made up of tourists, and your help will enable other tourists to daven with a minyan too.

Email: [email protected]   |  Call: 340-998-8889